University Council on Teacher Education
UCTE Bylaws
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Article I: Mission and Authority
The mission of the University Council on Teacher Education (UCTE) includes the following:
- To advise the Provost, the Faculty Senate, the deans of all colleges offering professional education programs and their faculties about all matters relating to professional education at the University;
- To ensure that the University of Delaware offers only professional education programs of high quality that are in full compliance with State and national standards and with the University’s conceptual framework for professional education.
- To advance communication and coordination within and between all faculties, clinical educators, school administrators, and candidates in professional education programs at the University. (Bylaw change adopted April 18, 2016 by UCTE vote.)
- To develop, implement, and evaluate plans to support the University’s commitment to faculty and student diversity, and to the inclusion of diversity in academic program content.
The authority of the Council rests in a letter from President Trabant, June 21, 1973, and recently reaffirmed by similar letters from Provost Campbell, December 7, 1983 and President Roselle, November 12, 1996.
Article II: Members
- Section 1: The University Council on Teacher Education shall include three classes of members: ex-officio, appointed, and elected. The Council membership shall be limited to twelve members. (Bylaw change adopted November 9, 2000 by UCTE vote; Bylaw change adopted April 18, 2016 by UCTE vote.)
- Section 2: The ex‑officio members of the Council will include: The Director of the Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation; the Director of the School of Education; the Director of Secondary Education from the College of Arts and Sciences; and a dean’s representative from the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education and Human Development. Deans’ representatives must be able to make decisions on UCTE matters on behalf of their respective colleges. (Bylaw change adopted November 9, 2000 by UCTE vote; Bylaw change adopted February 19, 2003 by UCTE vote; Bylaw change adopted March 22, 2010 by UCTE vote.)
- Section 3: The Council will include five faculty members who will provide fair representation of the colleges and departments that offer professional education on campus and to give voice to the education profession and to candidates in programs under the Council’s jurisdiction. These five members will have staggered two-year terms and be appointed by: the Chair of the Department of Human Development and Family Studies who identifies the Early Childhood Education member, the Director of the School of Education (SOE) who identifies the Elementary Teacher Education member and the SOE graduate professional education program member, and the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences who identifies two members from different secondary education programs. If a vacancy occurs, the appropriate administrator will appoint a faculty member to serve until the term is completed. (Bylaw change adopted November 9, 2000 by UCTE vote; Bylaw change adopted April 18, 2016 by UCTE vote.)
- Section 4: The ex-officio members of the Council each spring will select two professional education candidates, one from an undergraduate program and one from a graduate program, to serve as student representatives to the Council. Students will be chosen from professional education programs under the Council’s jurisdiction. (Bylaw change adopted September 8, 1999 by vote of UCTE; Bylaw change adopted April 18, 2016 by UCTE vote.)
Article III: Officers
- Section 1: The Director of the Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation will chair the University Council on Teacher Education. The Chair will be responsible for planning and distributing agendas of all Council meetings; for preparing and distributing minutes of meetings; and for representing the Council at appropriate University and State meetings. In addition, the Chair will be responsible for maintaining the historical archives of UCTE and professional education programs on the University campus. (Bylaw change adopted April 18, 2016 by UCTE vote.)
- Section 2: With the advice and consent of the full Council, the Chair of UCTE will appoint a member of the Council to serve as Chair pro tem to substitute for the Chair on occasions when he/she will be absent.
Article IV: Meetings
- Section 1: The University Council on Teacher Education shall hold meetings at least twice each semester at a time to be determined by the Chair. (Bylaw change adopted November 9, 2000 by UCTE vote; Bylaw change adopted March 22, 2010 by UCTE vote.)
- Section 2: Seven members, including at least three ex‑officio members, shall constitute a quorum. (Bylaw change adopted September 8, 1999 by UCTE vote; Bylaw change adopted March 22, 2010 by UCTE vote; Bylaw change adopted April 18, 2016 by UCTE vote.)
- Section 3: Ex-officio members may, on occasion, send a substitute (delegate) to a Council meeting as a representative, but not as a usual practice. Substitutes for ex-officio members shall not count against the standard for a Council quorum and they will enjoy voice without vote at the meetings they attend.
- Section 4: Special meetings of the University Council on Teacher Education may be called by the Chair or by a written request of four members of the Council. The purpose of special meetings shall be stated in the agenda or call, which must be distributed at least two days before the meeting.
- Section 5: All meetings will be conducted by the rules contained in Roberts’ Rules of Order. All members of the Council will have one vote and the requirements for majority vote or super‑majority vote will be determined by Roberts’ Rules of Order. (Bylaw change adopted April 18, 2016 by UCTE vote.)
- Section 6: Representatives from the national, regional, state, and/or campus educational community may be invited to participate in UCTE meetings for particular purposes. As resource persons, they have voice at the meetings but cannot vote. (Bylaw change adopted April 18, 2016 by UCTE vote.)
Article V: Responsibilities
- Section 1: The Council functions as an advocate for professional education within the University and in the State arena. In this role, the Council maintains high standards for professional education programs and recommends sufficient resources to meet State and national program standards.
- Section 2: The Council monitors all professional education programs offered by the University of Delaware and is responsible for ensuring that State and national standards concerning professional education are met.
- Section 3: The Council and its members will serve as liaison to State program approval agencies and officials and to national accrediting associations. In this capacity the Council shall be responsible for the preparation of dossiers, portfolios, and other documents required by the State of Delaware and national accrediting bodies.
- Section 4: The Council shall review all proposals for new or revised programs in professional education before their submission to the Faculty Senate. As a result of its review, the Council shall recommend to the Senate as to whether the proposals for revision or for new programs reflect State and national standards and merit approval or disapproval at the Senate level. (Bylaw change adopted April 18, 2016 by UCTE vote.)
- Section 5: The Council shall establish, review, or approve policies pertaining to selecting, retaining, screening, and recommending candidates for licensure; clinical experiences, and other matters affecting licensure, accreditation, or University standards as they pertain to professional education programs. In addition, the Council or one of its committees shall hear petitions from faculty or students who seek interpretations of or exceptions to UCTE policies.
Article VI: Committees
- Section 1: The Council is empowered by majority vote to appoint committees to carry out the mission of the Council. Committees may be given long term assignments so that they take on the role of standing committees of the Council or shorter term assignments where the committees act more as ad hoc committees or task forces. The membership of any committee appointed by the Council may or may not include UCTE members.
- Section 2: Every committee appointed by the Council will be given a specific charge and a deadline for finishing its task. (Bylaw change adopted April 18, 2016 by UCTE vote.)
Article VII: Amendment of Bylaws
- Section 1: Any member of the Council may propose a motion to amend the Bylaws. To be considered at a regular or special meeting of the Council, the motion must be included in the agenda/call of the meeting.
- Section 2: A motion to amend the Bylaws must receive at least seven (2/3’s of the members) votes of the Council members to be approved. (Bylaw change adopted April 18, 2016 by UCTE vote.)
Article VIII: Ratification of the Bylaws
Since these Bylaws are proposed as amendments to the current Bylaws, they must be approved by a majority vote of the appointed members of the current UCTE. (See paragraph 10 of the current UCTE Bylaws, dated August 12, 1996.)